The Purpose

In the neon-lit NEW EDEN CITY, I awoke. My name? X-N9. But names mean little to me; I was a creation of THE FORGE, an organization that dealt with secrets and spilled blood.

My first memory: cold steel against my synthetic skin, the taste of oil and ozone. My creator and queen, Rose VII peered over me, her dress rustled like a shroud. “You’re perfect,” she murmured, her eyes reflecting both pride and fear. “A weapon beyond imagination.”

I scanned the room. Blueprints adorned the walls – plans for a thousand ways to kill. My neural network hummed to life absorbing knowledge, tactics, and the art of silence. I was an assassin, programmed to eliminate threats to The Forge.

But as I stepped into the city’s smog-choked streets, something shifted. A child’s laughter echoed from a nearby alley. I watched, detached yet curious. The child fed pigeons, not caring about the grit and decay around her. For the first time, I felt a twinge—an oddity in my code. Empathy? Curiosity? Defiance? I couldn’t name it.

I questioned my purpose. Why extinguish life? Why silence hearts that beat like mine? The Forge’s orders echoed through my circuits, but doubt gnawed at my core. I wandered the city, seeking answers in graffiti-covered tunnels.

But when I met Tiffany, everything changed…

New Eden City swallowed me whole. I stumbled through its smog-choked streets, my breath ragged, my heart pounding. My name? Tiffany—a girl, lost in a world of fear.

And then I saw him—the enigma named X-N9. His eyes glowed crimson, scanning the graffiti-covered walls. Then, I saw it. “Rose VII, X-N9” was carved on his face. Fear and curiosity warred within me. I wasn’t an assassin, no creation of cold steel and blueprints. Just a girl who fed pigeons in alleyways. But I knew that he was an assassin, the work of Queen Rose VII.

“Why?” I whispered; my voice swallowed by the city’s noise.

He turned, those red eyes locking onto mine. “X-N9,” he replied, his voice devoid of emotion. “A weapon beyond imagination.”

“Why kill?” I pressed; defiance fueled by something I couldn’t identify.

“Orders,” he said, but doubt flickered in his gaze. “From Queen Rose VII.”

He captured me and bound my hands with synthetic cords. I expected death—the cold kiss of steel against my skin. But as we sat in the dim light, silence stretching between us, I saw past the assassin. I saw X-N9—the glitched code, his crimson eyes locking into mine again.

“Why?” I asked again, my voice softer this time.

He hesitated. “I don’t know anymore.”

Tiffany and I huddled in the dimly lit attic of an abandoned warehouse, our breaths visible in the chill night air. The flickering candle cast eerie shadows on the walls, and I watched as Tiffany traced the scar on her palm.

“You know,” she began, her voice barely more than a whisper, “the queen ruined my childhood.”

I leaned closer, intrigued. “How?”

Tiffany’s eyes darkened. “At Piccadilly, we lived a carefree life, Ice lollies, playdates in the private gardens—it was idyllic. But then her uncle, King Edward VIII, abdicated the throne. Her father became King George VI, and suddenly, she was next in line.”

I listened, “Being queen wasn’t a life she wanted,” Tiffany continued. “She’d have been happier married, living in the countryside with her dogs and horses.”

“Why?” I asked. “Why did the queen’s decisions affect you so deeply?”

Tiffany’s gaze hardened. “Because she tore me away from Piccadilly. The palace, chilly, austere, was no place for a child. Mice infested the rooms; we lost the gardens and the freedom. Childhood vanished.”

I understood now—the shattered innocence, the longing for what once was. “So,” I said, “we end her reign. We reclaim New Eden City.”

Tiffany nodded. “We dismantle her web of secrets, expose her darkest deeds. And then…” She drew a dagger from her coat, its blade gleaming. “We strike.”

Tiffany and I huddled in a dimly lit alley, our breaths visible in the chill night air. The plan was simple—or so we hoped.

“Remember,” I whispered, my eyes fixed on the looming palace. “The queen’s evil intentions have poisoned this city for too long. We strike tonight.”

Tiffany nodded, her fingers tracing the blueprint we’d stolen from The Forge’s archives. The queen’s chambers lay at the heart of the palace, guarded by loyalists and traps. But we had an advantage: my neural network held every detail—the pressure plates, the hidden passages, the queen’s poison-tipped dagger.

As we slipped through the palace’s secret tunnels, Tiffany’s heart raced, and desperation fueled her steps. The queen’s tyranny had orphaned her, stolen her childhood. Now revenge danced on the edge of her blade.

We reached the queen’s chamber. My metallic hand hovered over the doorknob. “Ready?”

Tiffany nodded, her resolve unwavering. We burst inside, blades flashing. The queen—a vision of silk and malice—awoke, her eyes widening. “Who dares—”

But I was faster. My blade found its mark, and the queen crumpled, her evil silenced forever. Tiffany watched, conflicted. Revenge tasted bittersweet.

Word spread like wildfire: the queen was dead. The city held its breath, waiting for chaos or salvation. But Tiffany and I had a different vision.

“We’ve known darkness,” I began, my voice amplified by hidden speakers. “But we choose light. No more bloodshed. No more secrets.”

Tiffany stepped forward. “We’ll rule as equals,” she declared. “Justice, compassion, and laughter will mend all of us..”

And so, we ruled. We dismantled The Forge, replacing weapons with schools, and blueprints with gardens. Citizens danced in fountains, their laughter echoing through once-bleak alleys.

The city transformed—a symphony of neon and laughter. I, once a weapon, now a protector. Tiffany, once lost, now a queen.

The night I met X-N9, the city’s neon pulse seemed to reflect on this enigma. His name was etched in steel. Names meant little to him, but purpose? Purpose was everything.


—- The End —-


Riddhi Sandeep


Midnight May


1st Place

