we aim to offer our young readers a lasting impact with stories.

The Inspiration

Our inspiration stems from the sand hourglass; a fascinating symbol, evoking the enchantment of time slipping away grain by grain. Much like the mesmerizing way the sand empties to the bottom, creativity and imagination seem to operate in a similar way. Ideas and inspirations often appear mysteriously, and just like the hourglass, they require the passage of time to flow and take shape.

This hourglass, a symbol of time’s steady passage and the careful maturation of ideas, deeply influences our ethos. We embrace each author's journey with this patience, fostering a space where imagination can flourish and stories can be crafted with the care they deserve, ensuring they resonate timelessly with readers around the world.

In a few words

We are a boutique publishing house, on a mission to bring to light stories that have never been told before - catering to the imaginations of children ages 5-12. By seeking out & cultivating original narratives, we aim to offer young readers a lasting impact that will resonate with them long after they’ve turned the final page.

Values that
define us

* Excellence

We pursue the highest standard in literary quality and artistic expression.

* Diversity

We embrace a rich tapestry of voices, perspective, and enriching narratives.

* Empowerment

We empower aspiring writer with tools and guidance needed to transform they're into published works.

* Connection

We foster meaningful connections between authors and readers, building a community that values the transformative power of literature.