Nurturing Literary Excellence: Explore Our Publishing Services


each step is designed with care & precision, dedicated to turning your literary aspirations into reality.

Embark on a transformative journey as we meticulously refine your manuscript and enhance the power of your narrative, ensuring every word resonates with clarity and impact.


Break linguistic boundaries and share your story with a global audience. Our translation service goes beyond words, capturing the essence of your narrative in English & Arabic.


Elevate your storytelling experience through captivating visuals. Our team crafts visually compelling layouts that complement and enhance the essence of your literary creation.


Embrace the digital age with confidence. From Amazon Kindle to Apple Books, Google Play, and Kobo, we ensure your masterpiece reaches readers worldwide.

The Inspiration

Our inspiration stems from the sand hourglass; a fascinating symbol, evoking the enchantment of time slipping away grain by grain. Much like the mesmerizing way the sand empties to the bottom, creativity and imagination seem to operate in a similar way. Ideas and inspirations often appear mysteriously, and just like the hourglass, they require the passage of time to flow and take shape.

This hourglass, a symbol of time’s steady passage and the careful maturation of ideas, deeply influences our ethos. We embrace each author's journey with this patience, fostering a space where imagination can flourish and stories can be crafted with the care they deserve, ensuring they resonate timelessly with readers around the world.

In a few words

We are a boutique publishing house, on a mission to bring to light stories that have never been told before - catering to the imaginations of children ages 5-12. By seeking out & cultivating original narratives, we aim to offer young readers a lasting impact that will resonate with them long after they’ve turned the final page.

R Simple steps f Our Process
R Simple steps f Our Process
f Cultivating original narratives f Full service publishing house
f Cultivating original narratives f Full service publishing house
c Distribution c Editing, Design and translation
c Distribution c Editing, Design and translation
f Cultivating original narratives f Full service publishing house
f Cultivating original narratives f Full service publishing house

01. Manuscript Submission

Your journey with us begins when you submit your manuscript. Our team eagerly awaits to discover your unique voice and story. We encourage submissions that align with our publishing categories, ensuring a harmonious match between your vision and our expertise.

02. Editorial Assessment

Upon receiving your manuscript, it undergoes a thorough editorial assessment. Our editors evaluate its potential, considering factors like narrative strength, marketability, and alignment with our publishing ethos. This crucial step ensures we maintain a high standard of literary quality.

03. Feedback & Collaboration

We believe in a collaborative approach. After our assessment, we provide detailed feedback, discussing potential areas for enhancement. This stage is a dialogue, where your vision and our insights converge to refine and elevate your manuscript.

04. Editing & Translation

Your story deserves perfection. Our professional editing services focus on enhancing clarity, coherence, and overall impact. For works requiring bilingual reach, our expert translation team steps in, adept in both English and Arabic, ensuring your narrative transcends language barriers.

05. Book Design & Layout

A book’s visual appeal is paramount. Our design team works meticulously to create a layout and cover that encapsulate the essence of your story. From typography to imagery, every element is crafted to complement and elevate your narrative.

06. Ebook Distribution

In today’s digital world, accessibility is key. We streamline the distribution of your ebook across major platforms like Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, Google Play, and Kobo, ensuring your story reaches a global audience.

07. On-going support & Promotion

Our commitment to your work doesn’t end at publication. We offer ongoing support and promotional strategies to ensure your book receives the attention and audience it deserves. From marketing campaigns to author events, we are here to amplify your voice.